Fit at 50+ STUDIO
Exercise class tailor made to a more mature body
Service Description
A gentle but challenging strengthening class specifically geared towards a more mature body. Keeping the body strong, improving balance and co-ordination are really important as we start to progress through the years. The class is devised so that you can challenge yourself to suit your ability. In this class we work with aches and pains and look to solutions on how to alleviate them. The class is suitable for beginners through to advanced individuals.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
BML operates a 24 hour cancellation policy. Failure to cancel prior to 24 hours will result in the class price still being charged. ***This excludes Body Blitz crew which is a none refundable 10 week course.
Contact Details
+ 07969 433351
11 High St, Wendover, Aylesbury HP22 6DU, UK